Physiological Reason Behind Texting and Driving

Last Updated: 01 Apr 2020
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But a few days later that same student, while driving, would hear their hone chime and reach for it without second guessing their actions. Humanity is attached to technology, mainly cell phones because of their vast capabilities which lead people not to think about the ramifications cell phones could create, particularly when they are used while driving. People who refrain from cellophane use while driving usually ask: "Why would someone text and drive if they knew the numberless consequences it could cause? ".

Believe it or not a majority of the population, especially teenagers have a psychological need to use their cell phones. Human beings have not Just a desire, UT an uncontrollable need to socialize with other people. When people communicate with others they find a sense of self-identification, while also getting a sensation of acceptance, and recognition. Even the Supreme Court has recognized that in today's society testing has become an important way of self-identification; which is how one person pictures themselves with someone else.

The mind yearns for relationships with other people, and people nowadays maintain steady contact with their friends and family through technology. Humanity is willing to go too certain extent to talk to people due to their need to associate with others. One of these common extents includes multitasking such as: watching television and testing, doing chores and testing, and even driving and testing. Another psychological need of the human brain consists of the yearning to feel wanted and belonged. By receiving Just one text message, a person consciously or even unknowingly feels these two sensations.

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They begin to feel wanted and belonged because their mind realizes another person wants to engage in a conversation with them. Many teens have what official identified as problematic phone use which known to be caused by several psychological variables. A study conducted by Adrian Bianca and James G. Phillips proved that one's self-esteem, neurotics, age, and gender are determining factors in the amount of time one spends on their cell phone (Bianca, Adrian, and James G. Philips). All of these factors are different for each person which is why some people abstain from testing and driving, and others do not.

In a different study by three doctors it is proven that there are three indulgences earned from testing, and these gratifications leads to addiction (Young and Connected). The three indulgences are: self, social, and security. These indulgences lead to what doctors refer to as a behavioral addiction to testing. Doctors also say an addiction to technology is not easy to overcome. This addicting behavior gives anyone the ability to communicate practically instantly with another, giving them a sense of belonging. A majority of the population admits to going to a certain extent to talk to friends and family by simply testing and driving.

A sense of belonging or fitting in emits positive, addicting feelings that many people wish for. This identifies why some people, mainly teenagers, find it difficult to immediately stop testing and driving. Testing brings emotional benefits that indicate a psychological need to text, no matter the situation. More people should come to the realization of the myriad consequences testing and driving could cause. The most well-known consequence of testing at the wheel is car accidents. Also, the primary consequence of testing and driving is getting in an accident.

The United States Department of Transportation proved that testing and driving makes the driver twenty times more likely to get into a car accident (Federal Ban on Testing for Commercial Truck Drivers). The chances of getting in a crash increase dramatically when a driver uses their phone due to the fact that the human brain cannot completely focus on two different things simultaneously. Testing and driving not only puts the driver's life in danger but the passengers' lives as well. If a driver gets into an accident due to testing and driving they could easily kill or injure another person typically resulting in a Jail sentence.

If a driver gets into an accident that was their fault and ended up hurting or injuring someone they would feel pure guilt, an amount of guilt that no one should have to deal with. Right alongside the guilt the driver would get a sense of regret. In the back of their headed the accident would always linger and they would begin to think: "The text wasn't that important, if only I waited until I got home, I wouldn't have hurt another human being. " The large amount of regret could even cause psychological problems that would take time to erase.

Along with the probability of accidents, and the psychological effects, testing and driving is also against the law. Only seven states in America have no restrictions on testing and driving while the other forty-three have various laws regarding the subject. Some laws ban all cell phone use, and others ban it for children under the GE of eighteen. If a driver breaks a law concerning cell phone use the driver could be fined or even get license suspension. Drivers should refrain from testing and driving due to the innumerable consequences it could lead to.

The chance of someone growing up to text and drive is determined by their parents driving habits, other drivers, and their age level. Without even knowing it, parents easily influence what kind of drivers their kids are going to be. If a child constantly sees their parent on their cell phone while they drive the child will begin to think it must be okay to text and drive because their parents do. Two thirds of high school children say their parent or parents text while they drive, thus meaning, these children will most likely text and drive. Another factor that influences a driver's habits includes other driver's behaviors.

When teens first start driving and see other drivers being careless by testing while driving, they deem it acceptable. By seeing strangers, and even friends text and drive a beginner driver starts to think that the act of testing and driving has no ramifications. Seventy one percent of drivers text and drive end up unknowingly influencing others drivers (WAIF). Teens typically text ND drive more than older people due to their high level of self-confidence. In this generation, teenagers typically believe they are invincible. Therefore teens believe they can handle testing and driving.

Truthfully the human brain cannot focus on two things at once, but the stubborn teenagers of this generation refuse to believe in the incapability of multitasking. There are many organizations and inspirational speakers that are country wide trying to reach out towards teenagers to engrave the possible consequences of testing and driving into their minds. A major organization is Stop the texts. Stop the wrecks funded by Ad Council. They have collaborated with the office of State Attorney Generals and the National High and the National Highway Traffic Administration to gain more power and have a more profound effect on people.

Their campaign includes Public Service Advertising on the radio, television, and social media platforms. On their website they have tips and tactics on how to change the negative behavior of testing and driving. A website, funded by the government, known as D! Striation takes the motto "One text or call could wreck it all. " The United States Department of Transportation has banned testing and cell phone usage for immemorial drivers and encourages states to make laws against cell phone usage while driving. The website does an effective Job of informing their audience about the epidemic, how to get involved, and how to keep the roadways safe.

Since we do live in the twenty-first century there are solutions to technology, with technology. A well-known app is Phonograph, which disables the ability to text while traveling over ten miles per hour. This application can also notify parents or another adult when the device is traveling at an unsafe speed. Testing and driving has become a well- now problem and people are trying to find ways to prevent it, but even where there are solutions there has to be a person willing to make a change in their behavior.

Humanity's technological advances have so many good qualities that people do not want to realize its downfalls. Cell phone usage while driving is caused by the psychological benefits of testing, and the influence of other drivers. Drivers around the world should be more aware of the consequences testing and driving causes, and how much trauma an accident can produce. Humanity should realize there is a time and place for testing, and driving does not happen to be one of them.

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Physiological Reason Behind Texting and Driving. (2017, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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