Outline for Quiz

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Ideology operates mainly at the level of connotations, the secondary, often unconscious meaning that texts and practices carry, or can be made to carry. D. Ideology is encountered in the practices of everyday life and not simply in certain ideas about everyday life. Question 3 of 20 Which of the following is NOT one of the definitions of popular culture. Popular culture is: A. The culture that is left over after we have decided what is high culture B. An authentic culture that originates from the people' C.

A site of struggle between the 'resistance' of subordinate groups and the forces of incorporation operating in the interests of dominant groups. D. A culture which emerged during feudalism Answer Key: D Question 4 of 20 Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of the Storey (2009) book? A. Let is about the theorizing that has brought us to our present stage of thinking on popular culture B. Let is about exploring the historically fixed set of popular texts and practices that are the objects of popular culture C.

It is about how the changing terrain of popular culture has been explored and mapped by different cultural theorists and different theoretical approaches. D. Let is about introducing readers to he different ways in which popular culture has been analyzed and the different popular cultures that have been articulated as a result. Question 5 of 20 Which of the following statements is NOT culture from the perspective culture and civilization tradition of Matthew Arnold? Culture is A. The ability to know what is best B. What is best C. The mental and physical application of what is best D.

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The pursuit of what is Answer Key: C Question 6 of 20 According to Matthew Arnold, the social function of culture is to: A. Police the disruptive presence of the raw and uncultivated masses. B. Provide an all- encompassing pattern for living C. The material and monetarily attributes necessary for people to carry out a collective life D. Challenge cultural and social authority Answer Key: A Question 7 of 20 According to the culture and civilization tradition, which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of education in terms of culture? A. To civilize the working class for subordination, deference and exploitation B.

To prepare the middle-class children to the cultural power that is to be theirs C. Training to resist the influence of mass D. To develop skills in cultural relativism and the pluralistic approach to cultural meaning. Question 8 of 20 According to the Alleviates, which of the following was NOT a cause or symptom of the cultural decline: A. Advent of Industrial Revolution B. Rise of Mass Democracy C. Advertising and how it is consumed D. Unquestioning assent to authority Question 9 of 20 Which of the following is a point in the mass culture debate? A.

The majority choose second- and third-rate cultural texts and practices instead of the texts and practices of high culture B. Popular culture serves a benign function for socializing people into the pleasures of consumption in the new capitalist-consumerist society C. Without high culture, America is under threat from Graham's Law of culture. D. III of these options are correct. Question 10 of 20 Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions that the culture and civilization tradition sought to confirm? A. Cultural decline B. Cultural difference C. The need for cultural relativity D. He need for cultural deference Question 11 of 20 According to Grandstand, "textual analysis" is a strand of interpretative work that includes the study of A. Media genres B. Narrative analysis C. Scholarship on "the politics of representation" D. All of the above Question 12 of 20 Grandstand claims that most of the new and interesting work on popular culture is being done A. By cultural sociologists B. Outside sociology C. In anthropology D. By the Frankfurt School Question 13 of 20 According to Grandstand, drawing on the theory of hegemony developed by Antonio Grammas, cultural studies A. O not produce important work on popular culture B. Seem to be too close to its British roots to explain the phenomenon of global culture C. Have not been very influential at American universities D. Placed meaning, ideology, and power relations at the center of theorizing Question 14 of 20 According to Grandstand (2008), the challenge of defining popular culture results from A. The existence of too many cultural forms B. Different ways that scholars conceptualized it for analysis C. The postmodern condition D.

None of the above Question 15 of 20 Grandstand (2008) claims that different definitions of culture clearly embody A. Different assumptions and political orientations about popular culture B. Particular scholar's preferences for specific cultural forms C. The different socioeconomic backgrounds of scholars D. III of the above Question 16 of 20 Production of culture" perspective refers to A. The Marxist perspective B. Debates about how to interpret culture C. The empirical study of culture-producing organizations within specific institutional contexts D.

None of the above Question 17 of 20 According to Grandstand (2008), the majority of contemporary pop culture scholarship is tied to the media, especially television, due to A. The proliferation of media technologies B. The expansion of media systems in the U. S. And abroad C. The increasing connectedness of the media to other cultural pursuits D. III of the above Question 18 of 20 The "embedded consumption" refers to A. The blurring of boundaries between consumer and consumed in the use of new media B. Marxist view of the relationship between culture and capitalism C. He excessive use of new media technologies D. The dangers in using the new media technologies Question 19 of 20 According to Grandstand (2008), the positive aspect(s) of today's cosmopolitan consumer culture is (are) that it A. Is not bound by old hierarchies of status and distinction B. Creates a great deal of cultural choice due to the use of new technologies C. Is highly participatory Question 20 of 20 The negative aspect(s) of the today's cosmopolitan consumer culture is (are) A. The growing consolidation of media/ entertainment industries and monopolizing of popular culture B. Globalization of culture C. TTS elitism Which of the following does Cultural stress? A. Structure B. The popular C. Human agency D. Education Which of the following theorists identified that there was a 'good' popular culture of the working class in the sass? A. Hall and Handle B. Haggard C. Thompson D. Williams Which of the following theorists provided the basis of Cultural by identifying a social definition of culture as a particular way of life? A. Hall and Handle C. Leaves Which of the following theorists identified class as a historical phenomenon and provided an approach to culture that included a history from below?

A. Hall and Handle Which of the following theorists developed a category for 'good' popular culture? A. Hall and Handle Which of the following is NOT a level of culture identified by Williams? A. Lived B. Recorded culture C. Culture of selective tradition D. Mass culture The ability individuals have to be active in their own choices, and to make choices ND act in a way that can change structure/society, refers to: A. Organization B. Human agency C. Mass culture D. Youth culture Which of the following statements about Cultural is NOT true? A.

There is an assumption about cultural decline B. There are different types of culture, and they should all be studied C. There is a fundamental difference of value between high culture and popular culture. D. III popular culture is bad. Which of the following theorists found they needed to alter their theoretical approach when youth culture was taken into account? A. Hall and Handle Which of the following theorists based their analyses on a desire for a democratic account of culture, and based their solution to the culture crisis on a desire for a common culture? A.

Hall and Handle According to Barnett and Allen (2000), the following form of culture has been largely ignored from the study of the relationship between popular culture and social class A. Music B. New media C. Film D. Fashion The study by Barnett and Allen (2000) compares A. The members of different ethnic and racial groups in terms of their film-viewing B. Members of the upper-middle class and members of the lower- raciest middle class in terms of their filigreeing practices C. Men and women in terms of their film-viewing practices D. III of the above The study by Barnett and Allen (2000) finds that members of the upper-middle class A. Eave viewed more films of all types than lower-middle class members B. Have viewed more art films than the lower-middle class members C. Have viewed more films on videocassette than members of the lower-middle class D. III of the above Katz-Egger (1999) finds that one of the main determinants of leisure-time patterns and music preferences is A. Race B. Education C. Gender D. Class According to Katz-Egger (1999), various studies show African Americans and white Americans participate in the arts at similar rates and that the effects of race on highbrow culture participation are weaker than A. Ender B. Income C. Place of residence Lopes (2006) argues that comic books have been A. Considered an important form of popular culture in the U. S. B. Have been stigmatize as a form of culture since their introduction in mid-sass C. Have been considered a form of high culture outside the U. S. D. None of the above According to Lopes (2006), low status and stigma are related but differ in distinct says as social phenomena, in such a way that a popular cultural form A. Could have low status but not be stigmatize (e. G. Country music) B. Could have low status and be stigmatize (e. . Rap music) C. That has low status results more negative social effects than a cultural form that has been stigmatize D. Only A and B Lopes (2006), argues that stigma, as far as a cultural form is concerned, A. Can attach to various social objects, including both forms and practitioners B. Can be global or more specific to genres, styles or social roles C. Stigma usually implies potential harm or pathology . 0 points 1 D. Only B and 24 Answer Key: D 24 Question 20 of 2025 Mikhail (1997) claims that the Museum of Modern Art's activities on behalf of animation A. Ere insufficient B. Illuminate larger questions about cultural value C. Carefully balanced an elitist disdain for mass culture against belief that popular entertainment should be preserved and disseminated as art 1. 0 Points According to Mikhail (1997), art museums fulfill the following role(s) A. Preserve precious objects B. Educate the public C. Set standards by which objects are considered "art" Question 1 of 20 1. 0 Points Altimeter's key contribution to the study of popular culture was focused on theories related to: A. Mass culture B. Base/Superstructure relationships C.

Hegemony D. Ideology In popular culture studies, 'organic intellectuals' refer to: B. Collectives C. Superstructure D. Youth A. Longitudinal Which approach to the study of popular culture sees popular culture as the negotiation between dominant and subordinate cultures, a language marked by both resistance and incorporation? A. Cultural B. Culture and Civilization Tradition C. Frankfurt School D. Hegemony Which approach to the study of popular culture sees popular culture as a threat to social standards, debilitating the working class, and maintaining social authority?

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Outline for Quiz. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/outline-for-quiz/

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