Project Outline In general, the EVM consists of two units that can be interlinked. A ballot unit, which a voter uses to exercise his vote. And the other, a control unit used by the polling officials. But the EVM prepared by us is totally automated. …
The basis of technology development lies in bettering the older systems and coming to terms with enhanced functions in our information systems, etc. Without the operating system, however, the information system technology would barely come to anything. Hence, the Windows Server 2003 was developed as …
Introduction Everybody uses business connections of one sort or another to get orders, send bills, make collections, determine and pay what it owes, move goods, and control its money. The business connections used historically to perform these operations have been the postal service and the …
The challenges of using satellites in end-to-end communications links: GEO satellite networks have the potential to provide the end user the ability to receive broadcast and multicast in greater amounts of information at higher rate of speed providing global connectivity anywhere within the footprint of …
Abstract- In this paper we have presented two watermarking algorithms. First one is a new strongly robust strategy for right of first publication protection. This strategy is based on ‘Discrete Wavelet Transform ‘ , by implanting scrambled water line in HL subband at degree 3. …
Implications for project management and development processes The unique nature of many web-based applications broadens the role of traditional project management and adds a new dimension to the software development process. In addition to the participation and contribution of analysts, designers, programmers, architects, managers, domain …
Hybrid Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers ( HFAs ) are a engineering for future heavy wavelength-division-multiplexing ( DWDM ) multiterabit systems. HFAs are designed in order to maximise the transmittal length and to minimise the damages of fibre nonlinearities, and to heighten the bandwidth …
Abstract This Article describes an electronic mechanical machine with a Tele-operated android robot named SAYA. A robot is an electro- mechanical device which maybe appears as humanoid and it can performs tasks automatically. It may be done by using a remote control or a computer …
To create a schedule for the trade show project for LRH Products, I am recommending the use of Microsoft Excel, along with a free download of Gantt Project software or an Excel template. There are several reasons for this recommendation. Excel will work well for …
INTRODUCTION Data compression is a common requirement for most of the computerized applications. There are a number of data compression algorithms, which are dedicated to compressing different data formats. Even for a single data type, there are a number of different compression algorithms, which use …
Video Software testing is the of import to accomplish the quality of the package been developed. It is used to look into application faculty or the package that fulfills the demand of the terminal user. Testing is related to two other procedures like confirmation and …
Attacks on sites had been a common occurence ever since the boom of the Internet market, and it is only usual for people to get into the business themselves either legally or ilegally. Since the occurence of these attacks anti-virus companies had been built, adding …
The relation of technology with Humanity has countless and often unpredictable outcomes and effects on today’s society. The smartened is a prime example of the advancement of technology and its an attraction to humans. Cellular devices such as the smartened went from the classic buttons …
Abstract The goal of VPNs is to provide a cost-effective and secure way to connect businesses to one another and remote workers to office networks. Network Security Protocols encompasses the basis for safe & reliable data transfer. These security devices should be able to provide …
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a standard description or “reference model” used in the networking industry to explain the process of information exchange and transmission between two points in a telecommunication network. The OSI Model highlights the process of communication in seven layers. Products …
Leap Motion Many of us are aware of the Leap Motion with is a small, $70 gesture control system that simply plugs into any computer and, apparently, just works. The most important thing is that, if you’re familiar with the touch modality the interface is …
Abstract Art and Mathematics: Analogy The beauty of art relies on a person, who visualizes it, feels it and creates it. It stimulates us to see, hear and feel things that aren’t part of the material world. There has been a striking relation between mathematics …
The execution stage involves the practical attack to a system. The construct which we have proposed is to be converted into the feasible signifier. This is the stage which is to the full dependent on the design stage. What we have designed is to be …
Universal Rental Printing Car Assignment Objective: The objective of the simulation was to increase profits of Universal Car Rental Company. The simulation was run across three cities in Florida, Tampa, Orlando and Miami. Our strategy: We adopted a strategy of offering the highest price achievable …
Introduction For a computer to operate to the high level at which users demand a large amount of software is required. The crucial software aspect of any computer system is the Operating System. There are many options for a user when it comes to selecting …
Chapter 2 Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Applications ( FPGA ) 2.1 Introduction to FPGA: A FPGA is a device that holds a lattice of reconfigurable entryway exhibit logic hardware. At the point when a FPGA is arranged, the inner hardware is joined in a …
Grid Computing has become an important field of research, which has evolved from conventional Distributed Computing and High-Performance Computing for solving large-scale problems. Scientific and business applications are very complex and it requires massive computing power and storage space. Grid Computing environment supports the technology …
Full text search is a technique for searching a document or database stored in the computer. A full text search engine examines all the words, in every stored document, to find a match of the keyword searched by the user. Many web sites and application …
1. Range of data This is my data, which offers all the different cars and the details about them. The table is set out in and sorted by the specifications of the cars and also includes their prices. 2. Creating order sheet 3. Customer details …
Avon in Global Market in 2009: Managing and Developing a Global Workforce 3. Since 70 percent of Avon’s revenues are generated outside of US, what recommendations would you provide to the company regarding dealing with a culturally diverse workforce and a multicultural marketplace in the …
HAND-IN ASSIGNMENT Hand-in Assignments are one way for you to demonstrate your learning. The Hand-in Assignments provide an opportunity to apply concepts and strategies to an authentic context. Typically, Hand-in Assignments are written papers or computer programs that are submitted to the Instructor. They require …
Future Trends in Television is an article written by W.F. Wedam which was published as an electronic copy in IEEE explore. IEEE explore is an online version that provides high quality technical literature in subjects like electrical, engineering and electronics etc. The article was published …
The power flow analysis is a very important and tundamental tool in power system analysis. Its results play the major role during the operational stages of any system for its control and economic schedule, as well as during expansion and design stages The purpose of …
Back in June, 1994 the Pentium Flaw was noticed by Intel testers, who had discovered a division error on the Pentium chip. Intel managers didn’t see this as a major problem so they kept this from anyone outside their corporation. The nature of this issue …
Calculating correlation values for categorical data In order to find the correlation values for the fields in our data set, The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used. This requires that the data in both fields be quantitative. But what if we were looking to calculate the …
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