Oops, She Did It Again
Over the past decade, Britney Spears has gone downhill little by little from becoming famous after being on Disney channel. While doing a case study on Britney Spears, I learned the music industry stole away her innocence and molded it into an attempt to transition from a pop princess to a sexy adult performer that would sweep millions. Her overexposure and paparazzi frenzy causes her to go insane because she has no privacy. Additionally, there is proof that Britney has had many psychotic breakdowns.
Maybe the reason for her actions in the past has to do with the fact her children being taken away from her custody and her career going slowly down the drain. Also, she has been in a constant battle with drugs, alcohol, her ex-husband Kevin Federline, and the paparazzi. Secondly, some of the people she hangs with are bad influences from the get-go including famous Paris Hilton. Furthermore, in November 2006 after being friends with Paris, Britney was caught three times wearing no underwear on and exposing herself to the paparazzi (Cowboy).Afterwards, Britney made even poorer choices as her life began to fall to pieces even further which made her a bundle of fans. For example, after reading an article about Britney going downhill, a blogger wrote, “wow I used to actually like you until you became a whore and a crack head and then when you have your first chance you get your kids back you don’t even show up for your court hearings you’re a horrible mother” (Neyna). Many bloggers that used to be fans of Britney agree to this blog.
Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.At a young age, Britney Spears pursued to have the life of fame and fortune. In 1993, thirteen year-old Britney became a cast member in The Mickey Mouse Club on Disney Channel where she meets future celebrities such as Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling, and Tony Lucca. First, in October of 1998, seventeen year-old pop star Britney dresses provocative with her first major song “Baby, One More Time” (Lawson). After becoming popular nationwide, her music career boosted up while performing jaw-dropping concerts for the Super bowl, MTV, and VMA music awards.In one of the VMA’s, fans were disgusted when Britney kissed Madonna.
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Only wearing a bra and a mini-skirt, the music industry wanted her to be sexier as her fashion in clothing became unsuitable every time she recorded for a new music video. In the year of 2004, Britney married her back-up dancer Kevin Federline. Shortly afterwards, the newlyweds had their own reality show called Britney and Kevin: Chaotic. According to an interview with MSNBC, Britney claims her marriage was an act of rebellion saying, “I was on the road for awhile and again I was doing a lot of what I was told instead of what I wanted to really do.And I didn’t know how to break out of that. So in my young mind I’m like, I’m gonna just get married to someone of my home friends. You know what I mean? It was just like something.
But I have no regrets with anything I’ve ever done” (Spears). Two years after marriage, Britney files for a divorce with Kevin because he was caught partying with other girls. Assuming she was depressed over the divorce and annoyed by the paparazzi, Britney gains weight, surprisingly shaves her head, then checks into a rehab center.Britney’s cry for help caught the media’s attention so they kept following her after she left the Promises rehab center. After the rehab incident, hairless Britney attacked a paparazzi car with an umbrella realizing it was taking pictures of her talking to ex-husband Kevin about taking the kids into custody. In addition, “on July 18 2007, Britney goes to the beach with her assistant, takes off her dress and jumps in the ocean with just her bra and underwear on” (Cowboy). Psychologically, Britney looked like she lacked confidence when she was asked to perform for the 2007 VMA with only wearing a glittery bra and underwear.
Remembering what happened that night, Britney danced sluggishly and acted as if she has never danced on stage before. Personally, Britney lost respect from a lot of fans after watching her comeback performance at the VMA. In October of 2007, Britney’s ex-husband gained full custody over her two sons (Lawson). A few months later, Spears is rushed to the hospital after becoming intoxicated and refusing to give up custody of her children. After this incident, Britney’s parents were concerned about her life going downhill little by little.When it comes to fashion, the pop star has certainly come a long way since her sexy “Slave for You” days but not essentially in the right direction. Recently at the 2010 Grammy’s, she wore a short black see-through dress which was not appropriate for the event.
The paparazzi catch her wearing scant clothing regularly. In October 2010, Britney Spears made a remarkable comeback through the comedy show Glee. Many fans loved the hilarious, fall out of your seat episode that was dedicated to Britney Spears.Her glowing smile and toned body on the show illustrates how she looks happy and healthier than ever. In conclusion, Britney Spears has changed dramatically over the years after being a Disney channel star. Once having millions of fans, she had a sudden change to an attitude that was not how her innocent self normally acted. In observation, time leading up to her rehab incident had been very traumatic on the pop sensation.
Her marriage had ended shortly, she quickly had two children, and she is constantly hounded by the paparazzi.The past few months, as well as the years of being in the spotlight, had pushed Britney over the edge to an emotional breakdown.Works Cited Cowboy. The Devolution of Britney Spears: From Pop Star to Celebrity Trash in Less than 7 Years. N. p. , 27 Sept.
2007. Web. 10 Oct. 2010. Lawson, Richard. "1. " Britney Spears, a life.
N. p. , 4 Jan. 2008. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.
Neyna. Weblog comment. The Devolution of Britney Spears. Cowboy, 9 Feb. 2008. Web. 10 Oct.
2010. Spears, Britney. Interview by Matt Lauer. A Defiant Britney Spears Takes on the tabloids . Matt Lauer, 6 June 2006. Web. 10 Oct.
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