My Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
Essay type: Personal
Pages: 7 Views: 5886
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Belief Statement

The home and the early childhood education center happen to be the most important places for the socialization of the child.  As a matter fact, both the home and the early childhood education center are responsible for developing the child – a complete individual.  The child represents the future of my nation and the world at large.

What I want children to be is therefore identical to my vision of an ideal society.  As an early childhood educator, I want to provide the best possible education for my students so they would create the ideal society we all have collectively envisioned.

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Philosophical Statement

All students are capable of learning.  Even so, every child is an individual with learning needs that differ from the needs of his or her peers.  As an early childhood educator it is important to me to teach children with respect to their developmental stage.  At the same time, however, I do not overlook the fact that some of my students could be slower than the rest, while a few may even be gifted.

Nonetheless, I would like all my students to get to love learning as much as I do.  For this reason I believe that educators must continue to conduct research on the art and science of teaching, and develop themselves so as to help their students learn as effectively as possible.

I further believe that hands-on learning in early childhood education centers is crucial to the development of children.  Human beings learn by doing.  All the same, certain children seem to need more time to reflect on the activities that are assigned in the classroom.  I do not discourage individuality in the classroom, even as I realize that hands-on activities help most students with their social and linguistic skills.

In my classroom, there are 28 students and the room is not big enough to accommodate center areas.  However, we have made adjustments.  Centers are done at their tables.  Every day, each table does a new center.  (I create 5 per week).  I also have other activities for my students, such as whiteboards, phonics puzzles, ABC's on cookie sheets, and activities that are exclusively available in dishpans that we refer to as buckets.  When students are done with assigned activities, they get a bucket and find a spot on the floor.  It seems to be working well, as they are learning.

I additionally trust the fact that young students need to learn by watching.  I model for my students before we can practice together, after which they complete the activities on their own.  It amazes me how quickly most children are able to learn by watching.  Moreover, it empowers me as an early childhood educator seeing as I am able to influence their thinking in profound ways.

This is the very reason why ethics play a vital role in early childhood education.  Indeed, the early childhood educator must be careful to teach the young only that which he or she would like to experience in the outside world.

Raw minds of little children must be nurtured with great gentleness and care.  I consider this a significant issue to discuss with the parents of my students.  After all, early childhood education cannot be complete without the environment that the child is exposed to outside the classroom.  Thus, I am confident that the advice and support of parents helps to make early childhood education more effective.

My Philosophy of Education Argumentative Essay

I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpose of education is to enable students to learn useful knowledge that has meaning to them in the future. Thus, the most useful education for students is the skill of “learning how to learn”. When students understand the methods of learning they will be capable of learning useful and meaningful knowledge for the endurance of their lives.

Successfully educated students will have made the transition from having their learning experiences guided by a teacher to being able to guide themselves through the process of learning. Moreover, successfully educated students will not only have developed the competence to learn, but will also have developed the character necessary to learn. Because my philosophy of education is progressivism, I want to focus on the whole child rather the content or the teacher (myself).

In order to be ready for the real world these children need to be taught about the real world they are growing into. In accordance with progressivism philosophy, I believe that in order to meet the educational goals previously described. The curriculum has to be focused on the students rather than on the knowledge the students are attempting to acquire. The students’ needs- academic, social, and physical must be taken into consideration in order to make the learning useful and meaningful to the students. Thus, the students and the teacher must work together to determine the curriculum.

Moreover, the curriculum must focus on the methods of learning rather than the content so that the students will be able to develop the character and competency for learning how to learn. I believe that the teachers teaching style must embrace the natural curiosity and desire to solve problems the student possess. By engaging students in group activities that intrigue their interests, their students will naturally engage themselves in learning the knowledge necessary to find solutions to problems and satisfy their desire to understand the world around them.

An example of this type of teaching would be having students learn basic knowledge found typically in social studies, math, or language classes through a role playing activity. The students could develop a mock town in which each child would choose a job they found interesting. After days of interacting as a mock town, the students could discuss the problems that evolved in their mock town. The teacher would guide the discussion toward social, financial, and communication issues. The students then could be given the mission, with guidance from the teacher to find possible solutions for the problem they discussed.

As the students find solutions they will also be basic knowledge taught in social studies, math, and language classes. Finally the students could discuss the real world they live in and the types of problems and possible solutions that could make their world a better place. An activity such as this or other field trip types of activities would not only provide useful and meaningful knowledge to the students, but would also help the students comprehend the practical application of the knowledge learning, the process of learning, and method for how problems can be solved.

In accordance with progressivism philosophy, I believe that the role of the teacher is to facilitate the learning experience. The teacher is a resource person and a coin inquirer rather than a taskmaster or authority figure who feeds students facts to be recited when tested. A metaphor for a progressivism teacher would be a tour guide for tourists. The tour guide allows the tourists to embrace their experience by encouraging them to explore things that will be fun, memorable, and intriguing. The guide answers questions by directing the tourists to places where they can find answers.

The tour guide makes the experience so enjoyable for the tourists that the tourists are left with the desire to come back for more exploration in the future. I believe that the responsibility of the students is to develop naturally by working together as they attempt to solve problems they discover while participating in interesting activities guided by their teacher. As the teacher exposes the students to information in subjects such as science, technology, literature, and the arts, the students will understand that knowledge in these areas will remain current and useful in their lives.

Thus, the primary responsibility of the students is to participate in activities and develop the skills and character necessary to understand the process and methods of learning. In my opinion, the progressivism educational philosophy best fits me as a result of my learning style. I find that I comprehend and enjoy what I learn more when I am participating in learning activities. I also believe that I understand how to apply what I have learned more effectively if I am able to experience the practical application of the knowledge I am being taught.

Philosophy of Education Idealism

The Philosophy of Education Ideals A standard by which we Judge things In our existence. Simple apprehension our intelligent apprehends or understands the nature or substance or essence of things. The essence is represented by an idea in the mind by the mind. Once an idea is formed, we compare it with another idea and pronounce their agreement or disagreement of one idea with another idea and we come up to Judgment. A philosophical approach that has as its central tenet (belief, view) that ideas are the only true reality and the only thing worth knowing.

Emphasizes the study of man more and more because man is endowed with higher intellectual powers and show greater level of intelligence and discrimination and by his own moral and spiritual activities he has created. Idealism recognizes Ideas, feelings and Ideals more Important than material objects and at the same time emphasizes that the human development should be according to moral, ethical and spiritual values so that he acquires the knowledge A philosophical belief and outlook that material things do not exist Independently In the physical world but only In mind.

A father of Idealism A Greek philosopher, who was remarkably equipped with natural endowments Plato did not think that man created knowledge. Rather, man discovered knowledge and always have stressed the Importance of mind over matter Plat's method of dialogue engaged in systematic, logical examination of all points of view... Plat's idea was that the philosopher-king must be not only a thinker but also a doer. Dialectic (Socratic Method): A method of reasoning In which the conflict or contrast of Ideas Is utilized as a means of detecting the truth.

Christian philosopher to formulate the doctrines of his religion in the most comprehensive and enduring manner take the position that matter might exist, but in a generally detrimental way. The search for truth is a search for God, and a true education leads one to God George W. F. Hegel A Gamma Hegel was sensitive to change. Change, development, and movement are all central and necessary in Hedge's logic. Ralph Wald Emerson An American Developed a variety of idealism known as transcendentalism Frederica Forbore based on kindergarten theory of idealism.

Related Questions

on My Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

What is an example of early childhood philosophy?
An example of early childhood philosophy is the belief that children learn best through play-based activities that are tailored to their individual needs and interests. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of providing a safe, nurturing environment that encourages exploration and creativity. It also emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships between children and adults.
What is a philosophy statement for early childhood education?
A philosophy statement for early childhood education is a statement that outlines the beliefs and values of an early childhood educator about how young children learn and develop. It should emphasize the importance of providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that encourages children to explore, discover, and learn.
What is your personal philosophy of teaching education?
My personal philosophy of teaching education is to create an environment where students feel safe to explore, ask questions, and take risks. I believe in fostering a collaborative learning environment where students can learn from each other and develop critical thinking skills. I also believe in providing students with the tools and resources they need to be successful in their educational journey.
What is your personal philosophy?
My personal philosophy is to always strive to be the best version of myself, to be kind and compassionate to others, and to never stop learning and growing.

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