Is it Possible to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution
Humanism by definition means an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human, rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems. This system of thought focuses on human potential to attain excellence and to establish morality. This often entails the downplaying or denying the relevance of GOD and the biblical concept of life after death.
They accept only explanations that can be validated scientifically and rely on studies of personal responsibility, human values, and creativity rather than the concept of people having souls. The Humanism believes people’s progression can be determined by their positive attitude toward the world, and primarily centered on human experiences, thoughts, and hopes. This is where the ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment is founded and not by a higher power or GOD. Some have determined Humanism can be compatible to Atheism.
Humanism or Evolution combines together two mechanisms:
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- The variation introduced into DNA by various mechanisms
- The consequences of these mutations are ‘tested out’ by the criterion of ‘reproductive success’, the extent to which mutations impact on the ability of individual organisms to generate offspring. Taken overall, this is a tightly regulated process, as far from the idea of ‘random chance’ as can be imagined.
Creationism by definition is a doctrine or theory holding that the various forms of life, and the world as we know it were created by God from nothing in the way described in the Biblical book of Genesis. They believe it was an act of God’s free-will. They support the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.
According to Christian theology, the transcendent God, which is one who cannot be approached or seen in essence or being, becomes immanent primarily in the God-man Jesus the Christ, who is the incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is also expressed as an immanence of God. This GOD defies the concept of human experience. It is a being that has a constant involvement in the creation, one that is ready to intervene as necessary, and without concern the creation would cease or disappear.
Creationism entails a number of beliefs to include the following:
- A short time has elapsed since the beginning of everything.
- There are six days of creation – with a literal twenty-four hour in a day
- There was a miraculous creation of all life including Homo sapiens —Adam first and then Eve came afterwards to keep Adam company.
- There was a world-wide flood after the initial creation, through which only a limited number of humans and animals survived.
- There were other significant events that occurred. Examples being as the Tower of Babel and the turning of Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all Creationists. The Bible has a major place in the life of these religions. They received the chapters of Genesis as it is written in the Bible as a literal explanation of the creation of the universe and as the history of life for all creatures, as well as a true guideline to the laws in which we should carry out through our existence.
Can Christians believe in Evolution?
After careful research, there are explanations for a Christians reasonable belief in Evolution. The belief should be one consistent with the theory describing how God has created all of the heavens, the earth and all living things. This would offer a compromise in this era as to the expectant view of a Christian comingling in active biological research the reasonableness to incorporate evolutionary theory within their belief in God as our creator.
It is said that Scientists describe the actions of God in the created order as accurately as possible. Despite that they may deem the process of evolution provides a better explanation for creation, it is only their job to describe what God has actually done and not critique how it was done. This in the Biblical Law, could be considered honesty and a proposal to their agreement with the law and a demonstration of them abiding by Gods law.
Creationism is insistence on the accuracy of the six-day creation found in Genesis. Intelligent Design accepts the idea of evolutionary changes but argues that this shows the ways in which God works as the creator of life and the designer of laws that keep life developing. Supporters of both theories prefer to be taught what they refer to as ‘God-Less’ evolution in science lessons as equally valid explanations.
Considering the above research, I would like to focus on the following claims the Video makes account of. The first is the question itself, how do we know what is true? Let’s start with this Biblical prophesy. All those who disobey God and trust in their own wisdom in place of God’s law reiterate the historical Fall in their own being (Ezekiel 28:11-19). This scripture plainly informs us not to try and be smarter than God. God has left instruction and inspiration for our lives. A natural law within us. Natural law is a characteristic of Scientific proof which leads me to the second implicit claim I would like to discuss from the video.
The second theory in the video I would like to discuss is the suggestion of “When we want to know what is true and false, there is no better method than Science”. Well, according to this article, there are five essential characteristics of scientific proof.
Those characteristics are:
- It is guided by natural law;
- It has to be explanatory by reference to natural law;
- It is testable against the empirical world;
- Its conclusions are tentative, i.e. are not necessarily the final word; and
- It is falsifiable.
In Summary, while Humanists reject the idea of knowledge 'revealed' to human beings by gods, or in special books and that creation and life is based on the theory of scientific experimentation, observation and self-will. They believe that we only have this life, and that it ends forever when we die. Christians or Creationism believe that we as people have souls. We are directed by God’s biblical laws.
Additionally, there is an afterlife in Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. And they operate under the belief there is a God who judges where people go in that afterlife. There have been noted contradictions to both beliefs. However, there have also been demonstrations in which creationism is supported by scientific theory which in my opinion, along with many other Humanists theory contraindicators, validates the creationism view. We know the truth because God has given it to us and even the science supports that biblical account.
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