Sergeant and Deadlines
My name is PFC Hutchinson, Joel D and this is my essay about meeting deadlines. Deadlines are there for a reason. Without a deadline to meet you could simply drag out whatever it is you’re working on for as long as possible, which is hardly a productive way of working. It is therefore important to meet any deadlines that have been set, because there is an expectation on the part of the Non-commissioned officer that you will come up with the goods within a set time-frame.
If you fail to meet a deadline, you are left looking extremely unprofessional, and if you develop a reputation for missing deadlines, this could hamper your career progress. Clearly, then, it is important to meet deadlines for your sake as well as your Non-commissioned officer’s. If you have been set a deadline then the chances are that your Non-commissioned officer is not the only one who is going to be directly affected by your tardiness. Your Non-commissioned officers may have to answer to other leaders and explain to them why there has been a failure to meet the set plans.
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This reflects badly on them and yourself. If you have been set a deadline you need to meet it. You may not even receive a reference if you did not come up with the necessary items on time, which is why it is essential that you organize your time and learn to prioritize. If you fail to do so, you could find yourself with a growing heap of work that never seems to shrink. You certainly don’t want to find yourself in the position of having to explain to the platoon sergeant or First Sergeant you have been tasked by that you are not going to complete your work on time.
It is embarrassing for you and frustrating for your Non-commissioned officers, and you may well incur a penalty involving the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Deadlines are particularly important to meet when you are a leader of soldiers. Deadlines keep your mind focused on what you need to do and by when, but even if you work in an office you may have deadlines to meet. If you want to make a good impression on your senior Non-commissioned officers, you have to complete work on time. You can’t keep putting off what needs to be done when there is an impending deadline.
Unfortunately, work doesn’t do itself and so you have to simply knuckle down and get on with it. Otherwise, you could find that your career comes to a standstill. The ability to meet deadlines is something that all leaders expect from their soldiers, which is why failing to meet them is frowned upon. The outcome of failing to meet a deadline obviously depends on how important the task was, but if you want to come across as professional so that you can succeed in your career, you have to learn to manage your time effectively and continue to display sufficient results as you are tasked.
The military society can be a tough place to master. There are always leaders telling you what to do, how to do it and when to get it done by. It can seem to be a whirlwind of demands and expectations placed upon you, but it is what has to be done in order to not only get the job done, but to make sure that you are the one still proficient doing the job. There are many reasons why meeting deadlines is important. Reason number one is that the deadlines imposed upon you are not arbitrary dates for the most part.
Chances are good that an assignment given to one employee is going to affect the work of multiple other employees. An officer might give the non-commissioned officer or platoon sergeant a deadline to have the technical tasking done by, so it is important that you have that outcome ready when the platoon sergeant needs it. The officer in charge might need to get it to a more senior officer. Meeting your deadline seems a little more important under those circumstances. Another reason why it is important to meet deadlines is that it shows a certain amount of drive and self-discipline.
When the platoon sergeant says that the tasking needs to be done by Wednesday, it shows that staying on task is a skill that you possess if you get that tasking done by Wednesday. Anyone can do a job, but those who can do the job under a little bit of pressure are going to be the ones who get further along in their careers. Working under pressure is something that is going to happen quite often in the working world. Sometimes a leader will give someone a deadline just to see what their commitment level to the unit is. Those who are really committed to the unit will get that assignment done by the deadline without complaint.
Others will simply try to blame the non-commissioned officer for the short time frame or drag their feet until someone else picks up the slack. An ability to meet deadlines shows a professional presence for yourself and the unit you are assigned to. When the leader knows that the project will be done on time, or the platoon or first sergeant knows that the project will be on his desk when he needs it, it will show that you are not messing around and take the tasking seriously. This will lead to increased respect for you as a soldier and will increase the chances of getting further professional opportunities in the future.
The military is filled with many pressures, and meeting deadlines on a consistent basis is one of those pressures. There are many reasons given for a tasking not being done on time, but very few excuses are accepted, so it is either do the job when it is due, or just give the job to someone who wants it more. Deadlines are defined as the time limit in which something must be done. Meeting a deadline is very important and is probably the most valuable lesson you will ever learn. The lesson that should be learned is how to manage your time efficiently.
When you meet a deadline, you are showing that you are a serious and committed person to the task, which is being asked of you. Meeting deadlines help you manage your time because you have to get the task done in a certain amount of time. The time frames of deadlines can vary, between being short or long termed. In which, being able to meet a deadline teaches you about time management. Time management is a skill needed in school, any career field and in life, in general. When a deadline is set for a task it should be taken very seriously. Deadlines are given to you because it benefits you.
They help prepare you for and getting you ready and used to being able to manage your time, when it is needed. You will come across many deadlines in life, whether it is in school, work, church, family tasks and/or events. When you meet a deadline, it shows that you have worked hard, effectively and efficiently to meet the deadline. Deadlines help you prioritize your tasks. The most important tasks should be handled and completed first and, then go down the list until you reach and complete the least important task on your list. You should complete each task to the best of your ability, in order to meet the deadline.
You should focus on one task at a time. Give each task your full and complete attention and concentration. There is no need to rush or get frustrated when under a deadline, because that will cause you to get stressed out, and discourage, then you may end giving up. You must be committed to completing the task. If you a serious and committed to the task then you will feel a sense of accomplishment, once you completed the task and reached the deadline. Deadlines help you plan ahead for how you are to manage your time. There will be times when you will have to make sacrifices in order to meet some, if not all deadlines.
Some sacrifices maybe that you will have to cut back on the amount of sleep that you are accustomed to, amount of time used to socialize with family and friends, and your eating habits may change. The number one sacrifice made in order to complete a task for a deadline, is the amount of sleep you take. But you should not put yourself in harm’s way, by skipping every meal in order to reach a deadline. Pushing the assignments and things that can wait to the side, and focus on the most important task, in which the deadline is due first, would be beneficial.
There are pros and cons to deadlines. The pros of deadlines, is the rewards of completing the task within the given amount of time. When you meet the deadline then it will benefit you, in which you will be able to move on to the next task or to your final destination and/or goal. The cons of deadlines, is not being able to complete the task by the deadline. Missing a deadline will jeopardize your opportunity to move forward. If you do not meet your deadline then that will hold you back from accomplishing your goal. Missing deadlines can cause you stress and problems.
You end up putting more pressure on yourself then needed or wanted, when you do not meet your deadline. When you do not meet the deadline, you end up having more loads of responsibilities and more tasks to accomplish in a certain time frame. Sometimes, other people are relying on you to complete your task in order for them to complete theirs. So if you miss your deadline then you are setting yourself as well as them back and everything is going to be thrown off track. The reason why meeting deadlines are important is because when you do not meet the deadline you are not only holding yourself back but you are holding someone else back.
Prioritizing your tasks from most important to least important is a good idea to meet your deadlines. The importance of a deadline is to help you learn and build time management skills. Meeting deadlines at work is very important. I should know, I've been on both sides of deadlines. And I don't mean the early side and the late side. I mean the side where I'm working to meet a deadline, and the side where I'm waiting for everyone else to turn their work in by the deadline. Here are some important reasons to meet deadlines at work: Meeting deadlines ensures smooth work flow.
In this case, let's use the example of a report that's due Wednesday at noon. This deadline was not chosen arbitrarily. Let's continue the example by saying that the information in your report is something needed for a meeting Friday. Yes, I completely understand that the meeting is not until Friday. But, I need time to read your tasking. I may also need time to check into specifics of your tasking and establish what materiel will be needed to complete this tasking. And all the while I have other tasking to read and other projects to work on.
If everything doesn't go according to schedule, our time-lines lag. When our time-lines lag, productivity decreases. Meeting deadlines is crucial to ensuring a smooth work flow. Meeting deadlines facilitates timely communication. I currently work for a non-profit where we get a lot of solicitations to support charitable and political causes. There's nothing that befuddles me more than receiving a well-thought out tasking concerning a cause that we would gladly finish on the day before the event. Whenever I get those, and it happens more frequently than you would think, I always wonder who dropped the ball.
I mean, c'mon: There was obviously a lot of effort put into the tasking. But having them arrive the day before an event is an absolute waste. I can't coordinate any support on a day's notice. The materials are useless because of poor timing. The initial deadline should have been at least two weeks earlier than the actual tasking in order to facilitates timely communication. When your material is time-sensitive, meeting deadlines is critical to success. Meeting deadlines at work makes you a team player. Everyone loves to work with a team player!
And no one wants to work with a slacker, no matter what the excuses. The cold, hard fact of the workplace is if you're known for not being able to meet deadlines, you're also known as being difficult. Missing deadlines can mean career suicide. Meeting deadlines is a professional way to show that you care about what's going on at work and that you work well with others. Meeting deadlines makes you a team player. Meeting deadlines is highly important in the workplace. Meeting deadlines ensures smooth work flow, facilitates timely communication, and most of all shows that you're a team player.
Meeting deadlines is something everyone has to do in their everyday lives, whether it is paying bills, following a recipe or meeting the children from school. However, at work, it can be all the more important, because it is not just you who will suffer from the consequences of missing deadlines. Meeting deadlines is important for a number of reasons. To please the chain of command, deadlines are often made because the commander wants a particular piece of work by a certain point in time. This deadline has almost certainly been carefully thought out for a reason and if it is ot met, it is likely to cause problems. Firstly, the commander may have to put their work processes on hold while waiting for the deadline to be met. Secondly, it is unlikely to impress the commander, who probably chose your section to do the work because they thought you were capable of meeting the deadline. If you don’t please the commander, you risk losing trust in your section. To please the unit, don’t forget who you are assigned to. Deadlines that are impossible to meet are sometimes set, but you need to show willing and put as much effort into reaching the deadline as possible.
If it really is impossible to meet it, then you should point this out as early as possible in the process so that adjustments can be met. Once the deadline has been set in stone, however, it is going to be very difficult to avoid upsetting your chain of command if you eventually don’t meet it. Also, if you let one deadline slip, the chances of not meeting the next one increases and, in time, you could even face proceedings and punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice as a result. To show good organizational skills, there are always some parts of a project that are unforeseen and difficult to plan for.
However, if you are a good leader of soldiers, you should be able to work in pockets of time to deal with such circumstances. On the whole, if you exhibit good organizational skills all the way through the project, you are more likely to meet each stage of the project’s deadlines and increase your reputation of being a reliable soldier. The skills that you use to do this will stand you in good stead for future taskings and are something that you can take away to use in your home life too. To ensure wider timelines are met.
One of the reasons for setting a deadline is almost certainly to ensure that one project is completed before another is started. If you don’t manage to meet one deadline, it is therefore going to affect the next one, which will upset the smooth work flow of your organization. This is, of course, exacerbated if the deadline that you have missed involves a number of other colleagues who are then also held back. Productivity is bound to be curtailed, possibly substantially over a long period of time, and so long-term effects are likely to be enormous.
To gain self-respect, everyone needs to have goals to meet. It provides a challenge and, if attained, the boost to your self-confidence will be enormous. Meeting a deadline, especially one that you have been working towards for weeks on end, is a great achievement and will bring you great self-respect – as well as the respect of your colleagues. On the other hand, if you fail to meet deadlines and it is because of something you did that directly influenced the situation, you may well find yourself feeling lost and unmotivated – and it is unlikely that anyone will try to talk you out of feeling that way.
To facilitate good working relationships, most projects involve more than just one soldier and in order to get things done, it is vital that you all work together well so that you are working towards the same goal. The team spirit that can result from a job well done and a tight deadline met can have long-lasting repercussions for all those involved. Failure to work together and meet the deadline can have a negative influence, especially if those involved start to blame each other for poor performances and, unfortunately, this can also have long-lasting repercussions.
If you are one of those people who tend to ignore a deadline until the very last minute, you need to rethink your policy, at least in the workplace. Otherwise, you could find yourself missing opportunities for promotion and could possibly even lose your job by involuntary separation under premises of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Deadlines are very important to business and education. A deadline is a due date of when certain things have to be done. Deadlines are very important to organization.
If all things were done on time organization wouldn't be a problem, but it usually is. Businesses use deadlines the most for organization. This way they can keep a good record on things being done. Units would not be successful if it didn't have a strict way of making sure things get done. Education also uses deadlines quite a bit. I don't believe they are used for organization as much as business, but they are still used. Deadlines in education are mostly necessary for students and teachers dealing with time management.
These kinds of deadlines can be used as a teaching tool for the future because now students can work with managing their time to get things done without procrastinating. Deadlines also can prevent procrastination. Most high school students don't do projects until the last minute and eventually it will catch up with them. With strict deadlines students will maybe realize that they have to do projects or homework earlier this way stress won't catch up with them. Overall, deadlines are very important to business and education. They help with things such as organization and time management, which can make things a lot easier for everyone.
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Sergeant and Deadlines. (2017, May 14). Retrieved from
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