Communication and Child
Maria Pearce EYMP5-1. 1, EYMP5-1. 2, EYMP5-1. 3, EYMP5-2. 1, EYMP5-2. 2, EYMP5-2. 3 EYMP5-1. 1 Explain each of the terms: * speech * language * communication * Speech, language and communication needs. English dictionary meanings. * Speech - something that is spoken; an utterance, remark, or declaration: * Language - communication by voice in the distinctively human manner, using arbitrary sounds in conventional ways with conventional meanings; speech. * Communication - the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.
Speech, Language and Communication begins from birth simply engaging in eye contact and smiling is communication. Speech is started with noise and sounds. Language starts by a child listening so even from very young ages children learn and communicate with us. EYMP5-1. 2 Explain how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children's development: EYMP5-1. 3 Describe the potential impact of speech, language and communication difficulties on the overall development of a child, both currently and in the longer term.
Speech, language and communication needs in children vary with each individual child. As practitioners we must constantly asses and contribute in all aspects of communication, speech and language. We must listen to the child and try to understand the things the child is trying to communicate to us. Helping children improve things like language can be fairly simple. By having patience we repeat the words often and praise the attempts and successes a child has. Asking the child to point something out or encourage saying words or sounds.
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By taking our hand and leading us to something the child needs or wants is a good way of helping communication and means we can say the thing they need encouragement is essential we do not want the child to feel silly or ashamed if they struggle with the correct word. Splitting some words into parts more easily said is a great way for children to make sounds into words. In my setting we had a child who said “basanya” for lasagne and although cute if encouraged to split the word “la” san” ya” in no time the child used the proper word. Another child would say pusion for cushion.
We also found with younger children by using flash cards and books blocks or anything played with to say colours, numbers, and shapes or when out walking pointing out things around us and encouraging the child to repeat was a productive way to help with speech. However speech wasn’t always possible one of the children we had was deaf. He made loud sounds but couldn’t hear us speak the words. By using sign language we managed to communicate though we had little experience in that area and the child was very young so did not have a huge amount of sign himself.
We would mine a lot of things like “drink” “food” “hello” many of the children caught on quickly and also mimed signs to him. It was a fantastic way to allow communication as each child interacted only with us but with all of the children. Enabling better communication between the children and taught them that it was normal to accept a child with a “disability”. By encouraging not only speech but other methods of communication we helped them socially to interact with each other in different ways, a simple wave hello allowed the child with hearing difficulties to feel part of the group and welcome.
Emotional by showing praise and enjoyment. Behaviour teaching children how to act in many settings. As practioners we spend time with children getting to know them and communicate with them we can pick up on things we may be able to help with or advise parents of. Many parents work very long hours and have little time to converse with children. By chatting with children and speaking in a correct manner we help language skills every day. We do not use baby language we repeat words and encourage talking not only to ourselves but to each other.
One child we had in our setting was very happy to chat with grownups and older children, however she refused to play with or listen to the younger ones. Even when being spoken to directly. The child would completely ignore the younger children. We spoke with her and helped her understand we must not ignore anyone when we are spoke to or communicated with. We encouraged her to converse with younger children we gave her responsibility helping them in small ways. This resulted in child playing and interacting with younger ones. This was fantastic for their social skills and behaviour.
It taught the child who seemed to dislike younger children that ignoring anyone in life is not an option. We also seen her enjoy the responsibility and praise she was very proud of herself. If we feel that a child maybe finding speech or language more difficult than usual we would speak to parents and encourage them to try certain games and fun tasks in everyday life at home. We would communicate regularly with parents to see if things improve. Teaching parents little things that they maybe don’t do at home or haven’t tried at home can be great at rectifying any difficulties.
Working with them to improve things we may have picked up on but parents haven’t wanted to see can sometime make the world of difference. If these things don’t help we can suggest referral to speech and language specialists or hearing specialist. We must work with other settings as well as parents to compare thoughts, information and experience. One of the best things we would attend was a library story time. It was fantastic it encouraged children to sit quietly and listen to stories. Then they would have a sing along to rhymes and songs with actions.
Which encouraged language skills? If a child was new to this it took a few weeks to get involved but we always had parents asking where the child had learned a song they were singing at home. We would have sing along in the setting and encourage the words and actions so children knew some of the songs and gave them confidence to join in. If a child is having difficulties making themselves understood by language, speech or actions it can affect confidence and emotions. We want each child to be happy confident and understood.
Eye to eye contact is a simple way to let the child know that you are listening or that you are taking the time to understand what they need from you. They learn that in our setting what they have to say is as important as any adult or other child. Each and every child is important and should feel that way. By communicating with carers we can have a much better and more positive effect on children’s development and learning. Knowing that a good relationship is essential and helps us as practitioners to see what areas we can help in and work on with children or what things carers ould continue and manage at home. This leads to a more productive learning journey for the child. A good relationship can also mean we are all comfortable communicating worries or problems. There are several development charts we can use for reference and information giving us a guide to where a child should be at certain ages. We use these to give us an idea of development if we fell a child is behind of ahead we can look at the information which helps us decide if a child may need some extra support. However we must only use these as a guide. We all know children develop as individuals and at varying rates.
These charts can help us if we feel a little unsure and also if we need to have information to give parents. Also taken into account must be periods of settling in, or transition in home life. These can affect a child making them quiet or withdrawn and shy. We must make any decision to advise extra support once we get to know the child and observe activities we plan. EYMP5-3. 1 Demonstrate methods of providing support taking into account the: * age * specific needs * abilities * home language where this is different to that of setting * interests
Of the children in own setting. By providing age related toys, activities and language we support individual children with specific support. The ability of a child also determines how we plan any activities. We must make the activity inclusive of all children. Being a small setting we find planning an activity to suit all children fairly easy and can adjust as we interact. For example a painting activity is explained and “signed” or mimed at same time so that every child is included and not taken to the side as though something is different or treat as an oddity.
Some activities are avoided if we feel any child will be singled out. However we praise and encourage all children making them feel included and important. We ask parents what their child or children enjoy at home. If possible we try to bring a little of this into the setting to make children feel at home with us. It also gets children chatting and showing what they like. For instance one child adored snakes of all things. So we allowed him to bring along one of his pets as a sort of show and tell. Most of the children had never held a snake.
We got him telling us all about snakes and what they eat. It gave this child so much confidence feeling he could teach us all something new. As we are a small setting and speak English it isn’t possible to teach and speak another language however we are happy to encourage a child with a different language to “help” teach us all words in their native language and do planned activities for other countries celebrations and festivals. Chinese new year Eid-ul-Fitr are just two of the festivals we incorporate into planning and learning.
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Communication and Child. (2017, Dec 16). Retrieved from
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