Infancy and Early Childhood Development Paper – Week 2
Infancy and Early Childhood Development PSY/375 January 21, 2013 Infancy and Early Childhood Development During development from infancy to early childhood many changes take place. There are many factors that affect the development at each stage. Family dynamics can have a profound effect on how a child matures and develops as he or she grows older. There are three parenting styles brought forth by Diana Baumrind that influence development in a particular way. These styles are founded on four central dimensions (Berger, 2011, p. 273). Early childhood education has a significant role in cognitive development.
The early years in a child’s life can influence the development of certain skills that allow a child build upon what he or she has already developmentally acquired. There are many aspects that influence a child’s development throughout life. Family Dynamics Affecting Early Childhood Development Family dynamics can have a vital role on the development of infants and young children. Children born into an abusive household stand a bigger risk of being affected developmentally than those born into a non-abusive family. Abuse can mean emotional or physical and abuse.
Children emotionally abused can have a self-image issue where the individual may feel worthless and this can affect the way a child learns. Physical abuse can result in mental defects that can be associated with poor cognitive ability if the abuse were on or about the head of the child. Another way family can affect the development of infants and young children is through language. During infancy children learn by listening and mimicking what they observe. If a parent talks to his or her child or infant the infant is more likely to pick up on words and develop a speech pattern.
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It is said that most parents the world over are outstanding teachers (Berger, 2011, p. 172). Other theories regarding development of language in children come from the basis that humans are inherently social creatures and rely on each other for happiness and the ability to survive. Infants are also thought to teach themselves. Berger (2011) stated, “Noam Chomsky (1968, 1980) and his followers felt that language is too complex to be mastered merely through step-by-step conditioning” (p. 174).
LAD (language acquisition device) allows young children to obtain the guidelines of grammar faster and more successfully from speech heard each day, whether it is in their native language or another language. Parenting Styles Influence on Development Baumrind’s three styles of parenting include authoritarian, permissive and authoritative parenting. Authoritarian parenting means that the parents have the final word and their word is law. This means that the child obeys the parents’ instructions, requests and commands. Parents who have this type of parenting style might be considered unaffectionate toward the children.
Authoritarian parenting teaches a child not to question authority and to follow orders. The next parenting style is permissive. Parents who use this style are often referred to as indulgent. This means that they often “give in” to their child’s wants and needs. Unlike the authoritarian style that can bring about stern penalties permissive parents use little discipline on their children. Permissive parents are encouraging and tolerant. The third style of parenting is known as authoritative. Authoritative parents have rules and guidelines in place for their children.
Parents with this style of parenting are not afraid to enforce the rules and handout punishment that “fits the crime. ” An authoritative parent is usually more willing to forgive a child than punish. This type of parent views him or herself as a parent and not an authority or a friend as in the first two styles of parenting (Berger, 2011). My Choice of Parenting Style The parenting style that I view as most effective is the authoritative parenting style. Authoritative parenting seems to be the middle ground between authoritarian and permissive.
Whereas authoritative parents are usually ready to forgive, I believe that they are also willing to use discipline when needed. Authoritative parenting styles take a little of authoritarian and permissive and use it to benefit the child. This style that sets limits and also allows the child to have his or her voice heard that in turn lends to maturity. Being flexible and allowing the child to have his or her say can also teach children to respect each other as well as others. Authoritative parenting allows the children to make their own decisions because the rules and guidelines are set.
The decision to abide by the rules or break the rules is completely up to the child. The authoritarian parenting style is too strict and structured while the permissive parenting style is too lenient. The middle ground would firmly be authoritative parenting by my views in the subject. Effects of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development Early childhood education can have a profound effect on the cognitive development of a child. Early childhood education allows a foundation for children to add to and learn more throughout life.
Early childhood education includes skills such as alphabet, numbers, beginning to read and recognize site words. There are many programs around set forth to improve a child’s cognitive development, some even run by our government. Children begin learning as soon as they are born and there are stages where important information can be taught to a child. It is important in early education that the children be stimulated and challenged. In early childhood development young children will go through stages where they will first need to feel secure, experience exploration.
This occurs when the child becomes mobile (crawling or walking). Then, the child will want to develop a sense of identity and become more independent. The second stage is considered the preschooler years. This is the time when the child develops better motor skills and balance and also there is an increase in verbal acuity. The final stage occurs when the child hits the primary age group. Reasoning skills, problem-solving skills increase along with written communication develops quickly (Grisham-Brown, 2003-2009). Conclusion
In summation, family dynamics can affect the development of infants and young children in numerous ways. In many cases, depending on the status of a family can affect how well a child learns or comprehends information. The three parenting styles widely in use today are authoritarian; do not question the parents’ word. Permissive is where the parent is very indulgent toward the children and lacks any discipline. The third parenting style is authoritative; the parent is flexible but there are rules and guidelines set in place. Early childhood education is imperative to cognitive development.
Early childhood education sets the groundwork for the later years. Early education gives the children the tools so he or she can build upon the knowledge that was acquired early in life. Reference Berger, K. S. (2011). The developing person through the life p [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. New York, New York: Worth. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY375 - Life p human development website. Grisham-Brown, J. (2003-2009). Education. com. Retrieved from http://www. education. com/reference/article/early-childhood-development/
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